Our veterinary services

House Calls

Skip the trip to the clinic that can stress your pet. Dr. B will bring the clinic to you and treat your pet in the environment where they are most comfortable. We see pets for illness, injury, wellness care, hospice and palliative care, and euthanasia.


Have some questions that you’d like to run by Dr. B? Schedule a 20 minute phone or video consultation to get the answers you need. Telehealth consults also available via text message and email.

Online pharmacy

If your pet requires medication after their appointment, you can conveniently order through Dr. B’s online portal—or she’ll take care of it for you.

In-home euthanasia

Dr. B believes that one of the most important parts of your pet’s life is when it’s time to say goodbye. She’ll make sure their passage is as stress-free and peaceful as possible for both you and your pet.

Complete physical exams with consultation

Full exam of all body systems to assess overall health. Dr. B will explain all her findings and discuss recommendations to optimize health and well being for your pet.

Preventative and wellness care

Vaccinations, heartworm and tick-borne disease tests, fecal examinations, wellness lab work to monitor organ function and catch disease early.