We offer in-home veterinary care for senior pets and those with a chronic disease. This includes the following services:

  • Annual wellness exams
  • Sick pet exams
  • Chronic disease management
  • Vaccines
  • Blood work (CBC, chemistry, urinalysis, heartworm and tick testing, and more)
  • Hospice and palliative care
  • In-home euthanasia

Since we are mobile service, and Dr. B does not travel with a technician, there are some limitations. We cannot perform surgery, take x-rays, or sedate pets in the home. We do charge a house call fee to cover travel costs associated with each visit. See our Fees page for current prices.

While most costs for an in-home visit are similar to the costs you’re used to at a vet clinic, there are a few differences:

Travel fee - coming to see your pet at your home costs time and money, though our clients tell us this fee is worth it for the experience. You can see our travel costs on our Fees page.

Exam fees - because Dr. B spends a little more time than the typical vet clinic listening to your concerns, reviewing your pet’s history, and devising a plan, our exam costs usually run a little higher than you might be used to. See our Fees page for more information.

House calls allow our pets to feel comfortable and safe in their home and avoid the stress associated with a veterinary clinic. This helps the veterinarian fully assess the pet’s normal behavior and environment. House calls are great for any pet, but can work especially well for pets with:

  • Anxiety
  • Dementia/cognitive decline
  • Mobility troubles that make traveling difficult
  • Cats that are difficult to get into the carrier
  • Pets with car sickness

However, house calls are not a perfect fit for every pet and some pets may still require care at a local clinic.

Dr. Braithwaite will arrive at your home within 15 minutes of the appointment time (the leeway helps to cover traffic time).

Before the appointment - Please have your pet ready by having dogs contained to a main room. Many cats do best closed in a bathroom before the doctor arrives.

During the appointment - We will discuss your pet’s history and a plan for the appointment. All costs can be discussed at this time. Dr. Braithwaite will then examine your pet and perform any necessary treatments or collection of lab samples.

Dr. B carries common medications in her car and can provide them at the end of the appointment. Occasionally, we need to order medications through the online pharmacy or work with a compounding pharmacy. Payment is expected at the end of each visit.

After the appointment you will then receive a full summary of the visit within 24 hours via email (this includes any vaccine certificates).

Our current hours are 9am - 4pm Monday - Thursday.

Since we spend our days on house calls, it is difficult to get on the phone and we can respond much quicker to text messages - you can text us directly at (608) 795-7243. We are also available via email (info@thesagepet.com). Phone consultations can be scheduled for $45 for a 20 min consultation.

It is recommended for elderly or senior pets to be examined at least twice per year and have full baseline lab work at least annually. More frequent visits might be recommended depending on your pet’s condition. Please note that if your pet is experiencing a new problem or has not been examined by us in the last 3 months, we will require a visit or phone consultation to address the issue.

Absolutely. One of Dr. B’s passions is providing a peaceful passing for all of our SagePets in their relaxing home environment. Following the euthanasia Dr. B is able to transport your pet to a local facility for cremation. (Note: this service is only available for pets weighing less than 90 pounds).

Some pets who show fear in the clinic do fabulously with in-home visits. That being said, Dr. B travels without a technician, so is not able to work with all pets due to safety concerns. We are always happy to set up an initial consultation to see if your pet is a good fit for our services.

Absolutely! Dr. Braithwaite has experience with dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, hamsters, mice, and more! Please contact us directly about your special pet.

Since all veterinary care is provided in the home, SagePet cannot provide care that requires anesthesia or sedation at this time. All surgical procedures and pets needing x-rays or ultrasound will be referred to local veterinary hospitals. A fee for Dr. B to interpret these results may apply.

Payment is required at time of the appointment. We can accept credit card, Vemno, check , or cash (but we do not carry change). We do not offer payment plans at this time.

Refills are best done through our online pharmacy, found here. We do not work directly with outside pharmacy services, but are happy to provide a written prescription for you to submit. Please allow up to 10 days for delivery. Dr. B can be available for medication drop offs – a travel fee will be charged for this service.

Appointments must be cancelled with at least 24 hours notice. Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice are subject to a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the visit fee. If Dr. B travels to your home and you are not available for the appointment the full house call fee will apply.

We have limited availability to see urgent appointments during our regular operating hours. For any emergencies or concerns outside of our regular hours, please contact one of the local 24-hour clinics listed below.

Madison Veterinary Specialists: (608) 274-7772

UW Veterinary Care: (608) 263-7600

Veterinary Emergency Service: (608) 831-1101

Journeys Home Pet Euthanasia (for in-home euthanasia only): (608) 347-1897